Saturday 8 February 2014

A Glance into the Urban-environmental Problem

            From its inception urban centers have played major roles in human life. They have provided means whereby regions could develop along with creating a central point where aspects of human life has gathered, including; employment, education, commerce, travel, recreation and housing (Tacoli 2004). However with all the advantages of urbanization came detrimental consequences which have been major topics of discussion. Of these negatives one of the most profound is the harmful effects urban areas have had on our environment.

A glance of urban Trinidad: Princes Town Proper and its aspects which affect the environment.

            Illustrated here is an all too common trend in the urban areas of Trinidad. On the busiest street of Princes Town we see the harsh truth of what is happening to our environment due to the urban process. Some of these problems are quite apparent while others require a deeper understanding.

            Most recognizably is the solid waste which has been discarded improperly into the drains and sidewalk of the town area, displaying the disregard of the population to the environment. Even more disturbing is the proximity of a garbage disposal bin to the litter. These practices only lead to negative effects such as flooding, habitats for disease ridden animals, contaminated water runoff (Uttara et al. 2012) and reducing the aesthetics of the town.

            Moreover, on a daily Princes Town acts as a commercial hotspot for crowds of people shopping, working and commuting. Therefore there is no surprise to see the numerous cars and people that line the roads and pavements. The problem associated with this is, as these urban areas draw influxes of people to their centers, it strains the environment since a significant supply of resources is needed to sustain the growing population. Furthermore the increase in vehicle use adds to greenhouse gas emissions and the deposition of harmful substances on the surrounding surfaces (Uttara et al. 2012).

            In addition there are aspects here which may not be quite apparent but need to be noted when looking at how the area has affected the environment. Firstly for this area to be developed into what it is, clearing of the natural habitats that once presided here was necessary. Also the surfaces which now exist such as the concrete and asphalt, trap solar radiation, thus adding to global warming and creating urban heat islands (see video below) (Uttara et al. 2012).

            Consequently from this one image we can see the effects of multiple aspects of Princes Town's urban space on the environment. These consequences however are not limited to just here but is global in nature. The continuation of this blog will go more in depth into these issues while depicting examples across Trinidad's urban centers.

For more information on the negative effects faced by the environment mentioned here visit:


           Tacoli, Cecilia. 2004."The Role of Small and Intermediate Urban Centres and Market Towns and the Value of Regional Approaches to Rural Poverty Reduction Policy." Accessed 8th February 2014.

           Uttara, S., Nishi Bhuvandas and Vanita Aggarwal. 2012."Impacts Of Urbanization On Environment."International Journal of Research in Engineering & Applied Sciences 2, no. 2 Accessed 7th February 2014.

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